Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I am an Editor.

As such, I have to be thorough, finicky, complete, and demanding. I am trained to pick out punctuation (or lack thereof), misspellings, grammar, and logical missteps. I correct, revise and adapt according to

I am anal-retentive and obsessive-compulsive*. On my resume I call this "detail-oriented" and "well-organized." Tables of contents, appendices, indices (not indexes), sections, chapters, lists-- I do them all. "Cross-reference" should be my middle name.

I like to use the semi-colon in informal writing and emails; even like this, sometimes. I seek (and destroy) typos. (There are two typos in my favorite book, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Not bad for a 650-pager.)

I read the English language as formula. X's and Y's-- like math: If this, then that.

I almost hate it.

*I have not been diagnosed with either anal-retentiveness or obsessive compulsive disorder, nor do I mean to lessen the impact these disorders have on people with them.

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