Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ground Hog's Day (Among Other Things).

Happy Ground Hog's day! Punxsutawney Phil predicts more winter weather, but at the rate we're going with highs in the upper 40's and 50's (Fahrenheit), I have no problems with his prediction!

Work was supposed to get busy this week, but everything keeps getting pushed back. I finished All Creatures Great and Small (again) and started Michael Chabon's Wonderboys on Tuesday. I'm about halfway through right now. I'm a big fan of Chabon's writing style and I love his characters. It's the only fiction I've read in a long while.

This past weekend Aaron and I went into Washington. For some reason I wanted to see the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum (I think I had seen something on the Discovery Channel -- EDIT: Actually, I remember, it was after we saw King Kong). I love dinosaurs, always have. I think I still have my fossil collection at home.


Then we went to the Hirshhorn.


And then the National Building Museum.


I had never been to either the Hirshhorn or the Building museum, but both were a lot of fun. We ended our Saturday in Chinatown for dinner.

I've been trying to finish a roll of Fuji Velvia 100 for the past weeks and haven't been able to since I get home from work after dark every day. I almost finished it in Washington, but I have a few shots left. I'll try to finish it and get it developed this weekend. I'd like to see how the color turns out.