Wednesday, December 13, 2006


So, I caught myself listening to Madonna's Confessions on a Dancefloor album. And liking it. Whoa.

In other news:

-New job is going well. Doing a lot of writing and meeting a lot of people.
-Today was 'bottle of Bailey's for everyone!' day
-It's nice to work with people in my 'age bracket'
-Less than two weeks until Christmas
-Reconnecting with old friends back home
-My friend Miah's back from Iraq. Back in Alaska, but back from Iraq
-Getting more and more excited about my trip to Columbus, GA next month to visit my bestests

This is my last free weekend until the end of January: Christmas, New Years, Cabin trip in WV, and then flying to the ATL. Whoa, busy.


Unknown said...

It's nice to work with people in my 'age bracket'
I'm jealous.

My friend Miah's back from Iraq.

Less than two weeks until Christmas
Merry Merry.

Anonymous said...

Going to miss you when you are in Atlanta. We ARE coming down after all. Don't know if your mom or dad mentioned it.