Monday, May 02, 2005


This weekend started at 5pm on Friday when I got off work. I came home, did some laundry, and got ready to go to Aaron's. When I got there I promptly handed over my computer and Bill installed MacOS X Tiger. It's so much fun. I played with the new Dashboard and figured out how neat the Spotlight search really is.

Bill, Aaron, and I went to Chili's for dinner. I had their chicken crispers. They're the best thing on the menu. It's my favorite of all the chain restaurants, probably because I've been going there since I was a little kid. Don't go to the one in Manassas though. They're jerks.

We got back and decided to watch the movie Se7en. I had never seen it. It was very good. I liked it better than Fight Club. I fell asleep at their house and the next day I thought I'd be nice and make them breakfast. But it went horribly, horribly wrong...

I was going to make scrambled eggs and all I needed was a whisk. So I found a whisk, but it was in a tall canister with spatulas and spoons and I had to get it out. Well, my hand slipped and I ended up hurting myself. No, my fingers weren't burnt on the stove, I didn't hit a knife...I hit Aaron's mom's cactus that she keeps on the window sill. I'm that talented. So it hurt, a lot, and I almost wanted to cry cos it stung more than I thought it would. I got some tweezers and took out what I could, but as of right now I have like five spines still under the skin and my middle finger is all swollen. It looks like I'm flipping everyone off. My mom made me put antibiotic over all of it and band-aids.

These are cacti:

Stay away from them. They hurt.

So that happened Saturday around noon time. The rest of the afternoon/evening Aaron and I worked on homework and we left back to campus after watching the SNL re-run.

Sunday was just normal. I woke up kinda early and went straight to the library to work on my nonfiction project. I got tired of it after a while and decided to go to the store to shop for necessities. I unloaded the truck and decided I'd go home for dinner. My oldest brother was home from CNU, so I got to see Phillip, finally. I hadn't seen him since Christmas. He had a great semester. He took me out for coffee (the reason why I'm still awake). Mom made turkey burgers. I got some new furniture. Our neighbors were having a yardsale on Saturday and they had these nice teak cabinets that weren't sold. One had regular doors on it with shelves and the other had sliding glass doors. We got them both for 15 bucks! Great!

I came back to school tonight. Finally caught up with Bennett and edited his folklore paper. Went up to the JC for some soup with Jason. And that's it. And for real, watch out for cacti.

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