Sunday, August 07, 2005


Is it really Sunday already? 4:51 p.m. on Sunday afternoon means I have five hours, roughly, to complete all weekend activities.

As many of these log entries begin with tales of my excellent adventures, I think this one will be a bit different. I beg you, my reader, to ponder this marvel that I have now discovered: the 401k.

The 401k is, as many assume, the magic entity that allows future employees of corporations, conglomerates, lemonade stands, etc. that exciting push and/or bribe into their clutches. These companies offer a good base salary and benefits, but the magic word is 401k. Not 401g, h, or i, but article 401, paragraph k. Do I know exactly what it is? Will this make my retirement (a whole 45 years from now) that much better than it would be if I just filled my piggy bank? I'm not too sure, but I have the paperwork right here.

And now I don't know what to do.


On another note: My weekend was entertaining to say the least. Friday night I visited Bennett at his apartment before heading over to Mary, Sarah, and Wendy's for their housewarming party. Bennett and I sat on his back porch shooting the breeze and watching the lightning roll in. It was a beautiful evening, not too hot and the breeze was just right. I headed out just before the storm rolled in and met Christine and Jason at the Safeway so I could follow them into the apartment complex without getting lost.

Wendy, Mary, and Sarah hosted a great party. Everyone there spent the night, and the evening/early morning activities included every normal drinking fare and jumping the fence to get into the apartment complex's pool at 4 in the a.m. I jumped the fence (after some coaxing from Steve, the solo male of the group), but did not partake in the swimming for I am but a lowly chicken. And Jason and Theresa are WONDERFUL.

Saturday night, although fun, was not as eventful, or embarrassing, as Friday night. Carl, Curtis, Joey P. , and Joe H. came over to finish my case of beer in the fridge. We played Trivial Pursuit for five hours. It was fun times, and I should have some pictures up sometime in the future as I took them with my Rebel and not a digital camera. Kudos to Curtis and Carl for winning. And Pikachu, only because he's not the Road Runner.

My parents are supposed to be coming over this evening, or at least they said they would. They went into Washington today with James and Danny. Danny, the baby brother, is turning 16 on Wednesday. Holy Cow.

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