Monday, August 28, 2006

Did You Know...

If left long enough (in my desk drawer) that Green Clover & Aloe lotion from Bath & Body Works separates. It's like those toys you see in giftshops that make contained waves of blues and reds, oil and vinegar-like, except this was in a bottle and was green and a little gross and probably wouldn't remind anyone of the ocean.

Books read this week:
Fahrenheit 451
Werewolves In Their Youth
Me Talk Pretty One Day (halfway through)

Girl's night with Theresa was fun. Saturday we went into Arlington to the Metro Diner to eat and gab.

Sunday I worked on my secret project and ran some errands. Bought the cat a new toy, we'll call him Mr. Chicken. I'll post the video to You Tube soon.


Anonymous said...

So what did you think of F 451? (I can't spell farenheit). It was actually one of my favorite books, except it's been a long time since I read it.

Katy Ray said...

Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorites, too. I think this is the fourth or fifth time I've read it!