Friday, February 25, 2005

Another Day, Another Dollar

So, I'm back at work today. I have four jobs, surprisingly. I'm a resident advisor, a writing fellow with the University Writing Center, and I have my two library jobs. This weekend I'm not too sure what's going on. I know Saturday we're all going to the Library of Congress to do research for our Writing History class. I'm writing on William Jennings Bryan. He seems an interesting character.

The snow's melting and of course, the campus is open. So much for more inclement weather hours. I had to sit the circulation desk for eight hours. Never again.

If anyone has any info on writing an abstract or has any pointers let me know. I have to write up two--a professional and a general--for my fellowship. Add that onto my film paper due Tuesday and set piece Wednesday...At least my other homework is done for the next week or so. I got bored. It's a long story.

P.S. Facebook is super-cool.

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