Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Sunday, February 12, my new friend Olivia and I went to the Supergrass show at the 9:30 Club. I wrote a piece about it, but after having it online for roughly half an hour I got an "Oh, Kate, we need to work on this," so I took it down. I'll rework it and hopefully have it up by the end of the week. We'll see. I haven't written anything 'big' in a while and I'm definitely losing my grip on well, words. Grrr.

This past weekend:

Friday: Went to La Tasca in Clarendon with Kari for tapas and sangria. MMMmmm sangria. Afterwards we started a bottle of wine at my house and met John L. and the gang at the Bowl America next door for beer and bowling. Then, John, Kari, and I came home, finished the wine and had a great time chatting it up.

Saturday: Aaron and I went and saw the new (the only?) Tristram Shandy movie. We had to read (although I ony got to page sixty-ish) the book for our 'Novel of the Seventeenth Century' class. The movie was great, I highly recommend it. It captures the essence of the novel very well. And the sixty pages I read was very funny. After the movie we came home and watched Curling on the Olympics. I like Curling.

Sunday we woke up, watched more Curling, and went mattress shopping. Aaron hasn't had a real bed for as long as I've known him and the twin mattress he has on the floor of his room has got to go. We went to Mattress Discounters on Lee Highway. We knew we could bargain and knew what we wanted. They guy wanted to give us a double, factory-made matress for $500. I was like hells no. Then he got it down to $450, but with delivery it would have still been $500. The guy wouldn't even give us a frame, he had us paying for that, too. Yeah, right, he was giving it to us for cost. We told him we were only shopping around and that we may be back later.

Marching back to the car and feeling victorious, we found ourselves locked out. Aaron has to walk back into the matress store and look around for his keys that may have fallen out of his pocket. Oh, no-- The keys are in the ignition, and he hasn't a spare set. After calling a few locksmiths, we get set up with Pop-A-Lock, "We'll be there in 45 minutes to an hour," they say. Thankfully, we were in a shopping area, so we get lunch at Chipotle (which is always too spicy for me, so Aaron has to finish my burrito), browse books at Borders, sit in ergonomic chairs in the Back Store, and look at kick-ass refridgerators, washers, and dryers at a high-end appliance store.

We get a call from the locksmith and he rolls up in a beat-up black Mazda. The hood was dented and popped up over the engine. It looked like it had to have something tying it down. Had the kid (I swear he was only 16) not called, we probably would have been like, what the hell are you doing to our car? Aaron got his keys back and we went home. Mattress shopping for the day was over.

Monday I slept in, but went back to Aaron's to change my oil in his garage. All went well, and I didn't spill-- even the oil filter.

Aaron also bought a mattress on Monday at Mattress Warehouse-- across the street from Mattress Discounters.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

And you had dinner with the ever delightful Theresa & BR!