Monday, April 03, 2006

What's Happening to the Radio??

At 5 pm today, Big 100 will no longer be our Oldies station. I make a fool of myself to them every single day in the car! What will I do now? There goes my Beatles at Bedtime (and Brunch), Motown Mondays, Friday Phones, TK in the afternoon... Total devistation....

At least we still have Weasel at 94.7!

I still like my grandmother's radio stations in St. Pete better-- since there's an exponentially higher retiree population, I get to listen to all the Perry Como and Bobby Darin I could ever want!

Take that Washington, DC radio! Perry Como!!! Where can I get me some of that!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right On Kate, I also liked oldies100, Beatle Brunch, Murphy & Cash,but mostly I just liked the format. I fgured I can tell them (Clear Channel) that what they did sucks, but I figure the ones they will really listen to our their sponsors. So I going to tell everyone who will read my ravings, that I don't like what they did to my station.