Friday, March 03, 2006

Huh. Weird.

But not really. Work's been quite busy this week, which I guess is pretty weird.

Last night I started reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I've tried to finish Lolita, and I am still reading it (as my 'at work' read), but I need something a little faster. I picked it off my bookshelf last night and in fifteen minutes was twenty pages into it.

I saw Spider-man 2 for the first time this week with Curtis and Carl. Not as good as the first, I have to say. I had more fun during the first Spider-man movie (two guy-friends dragged me to the 10am showing the day it opened). This time, it was more, "OK, we know you're awesome, but lose the 'woe is me' attitude, mister." Highlight: Melissa's hair dryer blew a fuse at the most climactic moment in the movie. My spidey-senses didn't see that one coming.

Going out with Theresa tonight for Sushi, I think.

And just for fun: Aaron had told me about this when Blue Collar Mountain Biking first posted it. I couldn't quite believe it until I saw the pictures. If you're a cyclist, it's a little painful as the guy's front fork broke, but still kind of rad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sushi...yum. Where are you going?