Friday, March 03, 2006


I had sushi for the first time when I was 18. My friend Courtney told me I had to try it and explained to me that New Orleans was closer to the ocean than Oklahoma, so the fish would be fresher. I thought, OK, why not. It's one of my favorite foods.

Theresa hopped on over after her Yoga class and we had dinner at this Sushi place in McLean that she likes (and I do, too). I love good sushi for cheap. Afterwards we came back here and munched on some cookies from Trader Joe's and watched Nine Lives. The movie was excellent. I liked it a lot better than Crash. I hated Crash. I think that's the only recent movie to which I can compare it. My apologies to the Academy.


Theresa said...

Mushi Mushi!! We can go eat our body weight in sushi any time you want.----So long as we arn't knocked up.


Iason said...

You didn't like Crash? Why not? I thought that was a good one.

And Theresa, who exactly is going to be knocking you up?



Katy Ray said...

We were talking about how pregnant women can't eat raw fish. That's why we've decided to adopt!