Monday, July 10, 2006


Last night, Bennett and I replaced my incandescent bulbs throughout the apartment with fluorescent ones. After discovering the hodge-podge of lightbulbs left by (years of) previous tenants, I thought it would be a good idea. And yes, I've been here a year.

Everything was 60 Watts, except the floodlight someone put in the kitchen (aren't those for outside?) and the 175 Watt halogen in the hallway-- which is insane because there's a bulb fixture that surrounds it trapping heat. Glad nothing exploded.

So after installing 75W bulbs throughout the house, the only 60s are in the small lamps in the bedroom, I can see!!!

(And my kitchen doesn't get hot as much--granted, there's still the fridge, the dishwasher, and the stove's pilot light creating heat, but it's not a sauna anymore!)

We'll see if this has any impact on my electricity bill, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We put fluorescents all over our old place, but this new place has those Reveal incandescents... they rock. Plus there's dimmer switches all over the place, so fluorescents might not work well.

The treehugger in me is crying, but I don't pay my electric bill.