Monday, July 10, 2006

Russian Dolls

The highly anticipated (by us, anyway) sequel to l'Auberge espanole is showing at the Avalon in Northwest. Les Poupées russes is a very worthy sequel and I think I may actually like it better than l'Auberge (I know, impossible, right?). I'll have to watch our copy again sometime this week.

L'Auberge espanole is available on Amazon for an amazing $6.99!

(Si j'habitais à Paris je suivrais des Romain Duris. Mais oui, et en le suivant, je veux dire fais des bébés.)

That's as good as my French is going to get, but you get my drift. J'aime mon dico.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the neat blog.