Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Da Vinci Code.

So I finished this book on Monday.


1. Not imaginative
2. The clues are so freaking obvious that you don't need a cryptology degree to 'get' them.
3. Dan Brown needs to learn big words and use complex thoughts.
4. Don't explain things a million times through the book-- we usually pick up on things the first time.
5. All the French characters should have spoken entirely in French. With subtitles.
5. My response to the ending: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?" as I threw the book on the living room floor.

1. This book is fiction. (OK, that was a fact, not a commentary.)
2. The upset over the book and it's portrayal of the Church can be a little offensive.
3. The books portrayal of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene (sp?) and the ideas surrounding them--in this book at least-- are fiction. Some think otherwise, I think insecurity in your own faith.
4. I don't think the book portrayed Opus Dei poorly, but portrayed a radical monk who practiced Opus Dei.
5. Catholics are cool.
6. Anglicans are cooler.

a. I read this book because I wanted to see the movie. Apparently the movie sucks. Dammit.
b. The Last Temptation of Christ is one of my favorite films.
c. I was raised and celebrate in the Episcopal Church.

1 comment:

Jinxy said...

You should read "The Last Temptation Of Christ" by Nikos Kazakstanis. It's one of my favorite books.