Monday, February 05, 2007

The Problem with Dress Pants.

Like most people in the Washington, DC area, I have to dress for work. I usually wear a pair of slacks, a collared shirt, and a cardigan, blazer, or another sweater. All mix and match, so I have plenty of combinations. I'm the most under-dressed person in my office because I don't wear a suit. Why don't I? Because suits are lame. No, not really. I don't wear suits because I bought them while I still had some college weight on, and now that it's gone, nothing fits. And I need to find a good tailor.

I wear pants because I do a lot of walking. I walk from the Metro station in Foggy Bottom to my office every day-- rain, snow, or deep freeze (like now). When it's warmer out, I walk from my apartment to the Metro station where I live, but the coldness has changed everything.

Dress pants are good for some things. They're oddly comfortable, easy to move around in, and they make your butt look good, but that's just my opinion.

But, dress pants also get wrinkled easily, they pick up all kinds of lint, and when it's cold outside, it's like you're running around in just your under-roos. The reason I hate dress pants the most? They have a normal waist or come up just below the waist, making whoever is wearing them, no matter how skinny or in-shape they are, look about three or four months pregnant.

And this is why I hate dressing up for work. No, I'm not expecting. But thanks for asking.


Theresa said...

I think you are buying the wrong kind of dress pants..pleats are NEVER flattering.
Unless you are a curtain, then I think they fill out the window nicely.

Katy Ray said...

I don't have pleated ANYTHING.

Matt said...

I think that the problem with dress pants is that every time I sit down, my unmentionables go on a camping trip.

Theresa said...

I know. I'm a brat. And I like your mommy pants. Give me a juice box!