Sunday, April 10, 2005

What a Week

It's been a while since I've posted. I've been working at the library and this week I did my conferences for the Conflict class I'm fellowing. It was a very busy week. When I wasn't at the library, I was in Sub 1 tutoring my students and when I wasn't there I was doing homework and working my RA job.

Last week we did a couple programs. I had my RAP meeting on Sunday night and on Tuesday I did a sleep-deprivation program with Edi. Wednesday I was stressed out cos I had writing to do for my nonfiction class, or at least I thought I did, and I had to watch La Haine for my film class. I took Wednesday afternoon off from the JCL and spent the rest of the afternoon doing work with Aaron and BR. Didn't end up watching La Haine until Thursday morning, but I'm so lad I did. I think it's one of the most powerful movies I'd ever seen. Powerful in the City of God sense, maybe. My heart was pounding when the silent credits came up at the end. I had to sit there for a couple minutes.

This weekend was RAP. I had fallen asleep at Aaron's house Friday night, so he had to drive me back to school at 6 in the morning. We stopped at Dunkin' Donuts and I got a cake donut and a huge cup of coffee. Saw some other RAs there too. We had to be at work at 7am to set up and then room selection began at 7:30. RAP was supposed to run until 4pm but everything closed by Noon. It was crazy. After RAP I had to come back to the TAP area and open the desk till 2.

Aaron called at around 1:30, my new computer had arrived! My brand new 12" Apple iBook is beautiful. I got extra RAM and all my files are transferred from my stupid Dell. Only problem is that I was hoping to use the trial Microsoft Office to do my work so I wouldn't have to hassle my brother into sending his so I could use one of his licenses, but it doesn't let me print or send files which I need. Now.

My project for today: Get Microsoft Word and send in my paper!

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