Monday, October 17, 2005

The Great Candy Debate (among other things).

OK, OK, so no one likes Necco Wafers. Your loss.

Last week I applied to the George Mason Extended Studies program after having coffee with my former professor and Writing Center mentor, Terry Zawacki. If I can take a few classes next term in the non-degree program, I can apply them to the Professional Writing and Editing Master's when I start in the Fall (if I start in the Fall).

Friday I got off work early and didn't want to stick around the apartment. Feeling pretentious, I walked through the park and up the street to our Starbucks and sat with my grande soy latte and read this week's New Yorker. I told myself that this week I would read an entire issue and I'm almost finished! Now I want to collect old old maps and visit the Sydney Opera House.

The past weekend went by lightning-fast. Saturday I spent the day cleaning and getting the apartment together in one way or another (I organized my magazines). I also watched Daniel Day-Lewis' In the Name of the Father whichis an excellent film. I gave it five stars.

Saturday night we celebrated Shane's (insert undisclosed age here) birthday. It was a lot of fun to hang out with John's gang. Unfortunately, I left my camera at home, so unlike the 65+ pictures of John's birthday, I have none of Shane's. I stink.

Sunday I woke up early to the pulsating sound of jack-hammers pounding away at the giant hole that was once the old Duck-pin bowling alley. I decided that it would be the perfect time to drive back out to Warrenton (it's becoming a weekly tradition that needs to stop until gas settles down a bit more). I brought my mom's birthday present with me: Kevin Spacey as Bobby Darin in Beyond the Sea. It's a great film and I loved every minute of it. Definitely check it out.

Sunday night Aaron and I went to our usual spot for Pho (Viet House on Main Street) and then I headed home to catch some zzz's before work in the morning.

We'll see what this week brings.


Anonymous said...

kate, have you been smoking the crack?

Anonymous said...

oh god, necco wafers were the candies my grandmother gave us if we misbehaved!

Katy Ray said...

What if I said Snickers Bar??? Would everyone NOT be on my back if I had said Snickers Bar??

Iason said...

Snickers bars are a taste of heaven.

Anonymous said...

I could deal with a Snickers Bar. But you'd be my best friend if you said Sour Patch Kids.