Sunday, October 02, 2005

Biking and Weekend Stuff.

Friday night Theresa and Mary came over for A Very Darcy Evening which turned into a What Not To Wear marathon. It was fun times.

Saturday, Aaron came over and we rode from my place all the way down to the Mount Vernon Trail. We ended up riding past National Airport and back. 34 miles. I did the first ten miles with my new pedals, no problem, but then I fell. I got my right foot out of the pedal fine, but then put my body down on the left side before the foot was actually out of the pedal. Go me. I scraped my elbow and cut the back of my leg and got my first road burn since elementary school. It was actually kind of funny.

Aaron thought it the perfect time to take pictures. A couple stopped to ask if I was all right (they saw that my seat was twisted), and then the girl got something in her eye. It made a pretty funny picture. I've got to work on hills. Hills suck.

Saturday night Aaron and I went over to Carl's house and visited our friend Dan, who I hadn't seen since June. Then Aaron and I went to his house and watched the new Saturday Night Live.

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm watching What A Way To Go with Shirley MacLaine and every other big name in 1964 Hollywood. It was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. It's still fun-- and funny as hell.

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