Friday, August 05, 2005

Ah, the Weekend.

I can actually say, "thank God it's Friday." Feels good, too. This week was interesting to say the least at work. I like my coworkers and my office, it's just that sometimes there's not very much work, so, like when I worked at the library, I spend a lot of time twiddling my thumbs and waiting for work to come in. It's funny because this is exactly what my Dad's going through at his job. I'm not saying that I don't like the job, and I know that when books and tasks come in that it can be stressful, I just kinda wish I didn't have to wait for it.

Last weekend I had a housewarming party to get my apartment used to having people in it. It was a definite success! Everyone brought beer to share and now my fridge is chock full. *Note* Housewarming Part Deux: Drink Kate's Beer is tomorrow night, feel free to drop by.

Bennett and BR

Although sitting in the same chairs as Bennett and BR, they seem to be having a better time.

A GREAT time was had by all. Next time: Bowling.

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