Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Today I went on my first 20-mile ride. It was great! I left the apartment around 4:45 or so, and rode up to the trail. I started roughly at mile marker 5.5 on the Washington & Old Dominion Trail and I turned around at marker 15.5 (just before Reston) to come back. I almost thought I couldn't do it and I got a little nervous because I didn't know quite where I was (I had to call Mallory to ask).

I knew I really wanted to push myself today, and I think I did. The trail was great, the people riding on it are really courteous, and the weather was hot, but not too hot. And I sweated. A lot. I was soaked by the time I got home, hair and all. It only took me 35 minutes to ride the ten miles out, but almost an hour on the way back. I took it a little slower. I loved the ride and I could really push myself cos I could see the distances, count the miles, and try to basically out-do myself. I want to train so that I can maybe do a race by next summer.

And to make this night complete, I get home, shower, eat a good, healthy dinner, and guess what's on the TV?

Not one of my favorite movies about biking? Breaking Away is on! (I have LOVED this movie since I saw it for the first time in eighth grade!)

"And if I die / Won't you bury me / in the parking lot / of the A&P." Dennis Quaid (I think this may have been his first movie) sings this at the beginning of the movie when they're all at the quarry. I really do love this film.

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