Sunday, August 14, 2005

Tyson's and DC

Today was fun and eventful. My oldest brother, Phillip, spent Satuday night over at my place. We were supposed to wake up early and go for a bike ride, but we kinda slept in. We went to Tyson's instead because his iPod mini wasn't working. The folks at the Apple Store fixed it and we were on our way. I needed some casual shirts for work (and play) so we went to H&M and to the GAP where I bought some jeans. I knew I was losing weight, but I didn't know that I actually lost so much that I was back to my normal size! I'm back to a size 8 (comfortably, no sucking in!). We bumped into Jason and Theresa while we were at the GAP, they were shopping around for a hostess gift, but got a tad side-tracked.

While we were heading back to the car, BR called me and invited me to see The Edukators with he and Travis. They got to my place at the same time I got back from the mall. I actually think that they followed me home (they were on rte. 7, too). We picked up the West Falls Church Metro and saw the movie at the E Street Cinema on 12th Street. It was a good film, German, which I don't know very much of, but good none the less. I recommend checking it out when it comes out on DVD.

We walked around the National Mall the rest of the evening. We walked up Capitol Hill and around the National Museum of the American Indian (which I haven't been to, but would love to go! Hint! Hint!

It was a hot and hazy afternoon, but that's typical of Washington in August.

We picked up the Metro at Capitol South and stopped at Wendy's for some supper when we got back. I just wanted a chicken sandwich and my salad, but when it came to drinking my HiC, Mr. Mohamed (the owner/manager, for that is what his name-tag said) didn't put the top on all the way. It looked like I had peed my pants. Granted, peeing your pants is cool-- but not when it's HiC and at the Wendy's. Glad everyone got a kick out of it.

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