Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I am one of the millions of coffee-drinkers in the world. And no, I'm not proud of it.

From Wikipedia:
as a drink, usually served hot, is prepared from the roasted seeds (beans) of the coffee plant. Due to its popularity, coffee is the second largest traded commodity in terms of dollar value in the world (after oil). It is one of mankind's chief sources of the stimulant caffeine. Because of this, coffee's nutritional benefits are disputed, sometimes labeled a cure-all, other times labeled a health hazard (see caffeinism).

There is absolutely no nutritional value to coffee. That's why there are no nutrition labels on coffee cans. The only value is added when I drop in my one sugar cube (1/2 tsp.) and a dollop of 1% or 2% milk (depends on whether I bought it at Safeway or Giant). My coffee is a nice beige, like a toffee-brown color and still bitter since the single sugar cube doesn't quite add any sweetening power (although I like to think it does). My coffee seems to be right in the middle, like my taste is an equal blend of my parents':

My mother: Three parts coffee, one part evaporated milk, and two heaping spoonfuls of sugar; a creamy color.

My dad: Coffee, black. But with one- third of a packet of Sweet-N-Low.

I drink coffee five days a week; one cup every weekday morning at work. I don't drink it on the weekends for fear of becoming hooked--which may be happening anyway since it's become a part of my work-routine. But here's my dilemma: I can't for the life of me make a good cup of coffee. I use a four-cup coffee maker at work (Mr. Coffee, clock, automatic shut-off in a sleek black color) and I can't get the ratio of coffee-grounds to water just right. It always ends up too dark, too thick--no matter how little grounds I put in the top. McDonald's makes a better cup of coffee than I do.

But I drink it anyway. Thinking that somehow, my hot, semi-drinkable pick-me-up in its red mug will help my day go by. And somehow it does.


Iason said...

Actually, there was a news report up here within the last two weeks or so about the health benefits of coffee -- something about a cup a day lowering the risk of some form of cancer. I made sure to take note of it since, as I'm sure you know, my girlfriend is a Starbucks addict like whoa. :)

Anyway, I'll see if I can find the article!

Peace and love,

Iason said...

Here you go! Apparently it's liver cancer... And apparently (judging by the date of that article) Rochester news is way behind the times. :)

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine works part-time at Starbucks. Apparently he gets a free pound of coffee every week, and he has so much that he'll drop off 3 or 4 pounds every time he comes to visit.

Anyhoo, their Coupage del Sol is my flavor of the week, with a tablespoon full of sugar and a healthy portion of 1% milk. I'm a New England boy, raised on Dunkin' Donuts Medium Regulars, so this black coffee phenomenon escapes me entirely.

Theresa said...

At home I never make my own coffee. It isn't that I can't or don't know how, its just that I'm never convinced that after going to all the trouble that I will actually like the coffee I make. And worrying about coffee isn’t something I feel the need to invest my time in. Going to Starbucks and paying $3 out of the ass or using a whole meal plan seems to be a better option in the morning.
I say, "Venti skim mocha hold the whip!" and it always tastes exactly the same.
I'm not addicted to the caffeine so much as the false sense of control. Read into my personality as you will ;)
Good blog