Sunday, March 06, 2005

Being Blatantly Sentimental

So, what is it in this life that makes us do the things we do?

On one hand, I find myself to be pretty normal and laid back. I have my ducks in a line, I guess, when it comes to taking opportunities when they arise. I mean, look at me. I've got four jobs. I'm an administrator at the library, a resident advisor, a writing fellow, I work the circulation job when I'm needed, and I'm an editor of our school's independent paper. Sure, all these things look great on a resume, but what have they got to do with me?

Where am I going to be in another year? Scratch that, in another two and a half months? I know I'll be out of school, I'll have a car, but besides that.

Maybe I just want someone to talk to. It's weird.

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