Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hump Day

Yesterday we had school after all. Which means that I taught yesterday. I'm never going to do that again! It was horrible. I'm a writing fellow, not a TA-- I help students write, not analyze or explain their readings! I started off the class with a discussion on how writing processes differ by offering mine as an example, that went fine. Then we started talking about the assignment--their draft is do tomorrow-- that none of them understood. Which was fine as well. Then I started my basic presentation on how to follow a thesis through their entire paper-- 2 girls walked out. And that was after the students asked what my purpose in the class was and why they had to give me drafts. I was told that after two years of college, students should know how to write and that I'm obsolete. Well, tell me, then is the University Writing Center always so packed? Ugh. It pissed me off. I'm never going to be a professor.

Anyway, that was my rant for today. The rest of Tuesday went fine. I handed in my film paper; I ended up writing on Deep Cover. It's a horrible movie, I didn't like it at all. I didn't go to my biology class again, but that's ok, we had a snow day so we're running behind. In my bio lab though, we dissected a sheep's heart. It was cool, but we didn't do much with it. I think it was kind of a waste of a sheep's heart--we only cut it in half and pointed at the ventricles and atria and valves. If you'd like to buy some sheep hearts, click here.

Went to the Expulsion meeting Tuesday night. It's been a while since I had gone because the meetings are normally on Mondays. I'm writing three articles this week, wish me luck!

Today is just a normal Wednesday. Got to work at 8:30, going to my film class at 1:30, night class at 7:30. We're watching Minority Report this afternoon, should be fun.

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