Tuesday, March 08, 2005

My Monday

Am I coming through? Am I coming through? Is it sweet and pure and true?

Today was surprisingly ok. I had to drive home today after work. I left my wallet there after Saturday and Sunday. I drove all the way here and all the way home without my driver's license. Glad I didn't get into a wreck, or get pulled over.

I invited my brother Danny to come spend a weekend here with me. He's your typical fifteen-year old: Mohawk, punk gear, doesn't really care what the parents say as long as he doesn't get grounded. He wants to be an airport fireman when he grows up. I thought it would be good for Dan to get him out of my parents house for a couple days, take him into the city and all that. I think he would enjoy the National Gallery of Art.

I got back to school around 6 after buying a couple CDs from the store. The new Doves album is out. Definitely look into it if you can.

As for now, it's time for bed.

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