Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Great Weekend

Wow, what a great weekend. I know, it's Tuesday, but my weekend lasted until last night. Friday was Bridget's birthday party and it was a lot of fun. I'm just going to use my mad English skills and say that the party was fun. John and Shane were great for hosting! after the Party, Bennett, Kari, and I came back to my apartment and met up with Aaron. Aaron and I went to get some food at IHOP and Kari and Ben just hung out in the apartment.

IHOP was fine, except I was a little hungry and our waiter forgot about us. Aaron thinks he was high. I think he just didn't care. It was three in the morning.

Saturday I went to Aaron's for lunch. We had Vietnamese carry-out and watched movies. We had a Wes Anderson fest. I had never seen Rushmore and Aaron's mom had never seen The Royal Tenenbaums. Since we had just gone out to buy both movies, why not go ahead and watch them? Wes Anderson is a great director. His characters are defined and interesting, but exhibit some sense of normalcy. Like, yeah, I'm weird, but I'm normal because I have I guess, normal human flaws--perfection (or lack thereof), depression, etc.

Sunday I decided to go home. I had Monday off, so why not. I packed up all my dirty laundry, which I guess was pointless since laundry here is free this year, but we just got a new washer and dryer at home, so why not? They're pretty. Our old set was 25 years old, I think? Older than me. Spent Sunday doing laundry and watching movies with my brothers. James and Danny are still in high school, and still at home. Phil's break was a couple weeks ago, so he's back at CNU. Sucks that his break was so early. He came home for Spring Break and got snowed in.

Monday I woke up early. I sleep on the couch when I'm home, so I wake up when everyone else does. Dad went to work around ten and I decided that I should get my truck inspected. I went to Cecil's and they had a wait till after lunch, and so then I tried Warrenton Foreign Auto and I think they were closed. So, yeah, truck's still not inspected more or less.

Mom and I went out for lunch and before I left I tried to fill Heather's tires. I have had her bike since this summer and I was going to return it, so I thought I would fill the tires. We have a small air compressor and filled the tires to 40 PSI. The tire said 40-65 PSI for the bike, so we did. I rode it down the driveway and back and it rode fine. I put it in the back of my truck, closed it up, and then BAM! We heard something that sounded like a gunshot. Mom and I looked at eachother with an "Oh, shit!" expression. Apparently we blew the rim. We checked the airpressure with our tire gauge before we put the bike away, it was within the range on the tire...but apparently, it blew up. The inner tube was popped, of course, and the cheap aluminum rim was split--that's what made the loud snap! I called Heather, and she said not to worry about it, since it was a cheap bike from Target. I still kinda feel bad since I ruined her bike (even though she got it on sale for fifty bucks, but still...), and my mom insists on reimbursing her. I've never laughed more.

I came back to school and settled down a bit. Aaron and I worked on his portfolio. We mounted his photos and then put them all together. When I got back to my apartment later last night, I kept hearing something rustle under my bed. I didn't know what it was, and I didn't really want to find out. I called FJ and he came over, and the both of us basically did my Spring cleaning trying to find whatever it was making the noise. We swore it was coming from inside the room. We took a walk to double check outside, and yeah, there was a raccoon right outside my window making all the noise. Serves us right. But at least now the room's clean.

Here's FJ (Jason) among the piles of my stuff.

I went to bed late and of course woke up late for work, but I'm here now and it's all good.

Have a great Tuesday.

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